Monday, 1 June 2015

Switchin' to Glide

After one of the funnest, most one-of-a-kind days of my life, it's a wind-swelled sail to the finish from here.

That's how it feels anyway, because this weekend was the highlight – the first wedding I've ever been to with Mariachis, donkeys, a piƱata, and where invited guests were able to bring a refreshing adult beverage to the ceremony. And that wedding was mine! OK... Melanie was there too, so technically it was ours. It's going to take some getting used to, saying that. Not that anything is really so different. Except for the thing on my left hand that still feels a little like a bandage. The bride hasn't quite got the hang of that yet either.

A wonderful day, with wonderful friends and family both present and apart. For me, the only stress there was came between 8:00 a.m. and noon, a time during which I learned that making decisions based on radar imagery is nothing I ever want to do again. The best thing about Sunday morning was I didn't have to check the weather when I got up. The after-party brunch of huevos rancheros for 24 was also pretty fun.

So from here, it's a gentle glide down, into the move, the drive, and the new life in Mexico. There are certain to be some thermals on the way. But like the song says, Energy can be directed. Harmony's the sweetest sound. Switchin' to glide.

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